Nowadays many companies use social media to attract new clients. It’s definitely effective. But it can not replace a corporate blog. Why?

Just imagine, there are more than 250 million blogs read by 300 million people every day, over 25 billion pages seen every month, and more than 500 thousands new posts with over 400 new comments published every day. Amazing!

There are many reasons to write a blog. What’s more important is that it brings 97% more traffic to the company website. Ultimately, the blog attracts new clients.

There’s just one thing we need to know to make it all happen is how to create quality content that will help the blog handle the challenge.

Let’s get to it!

What is quality content?

How to Create Quality Content for a Website Blog? - photo 2
There is no clear definition of quality content. As opinions differ – the same article may be super exciting for one person and at the same time boring to death for the other. There are different opinions, researches, and examples that experienced bloggers and such experts can share. Even search engines give rather obscure wording of quality content. What’s common in all this is user needs focus.

Let’s learn about the most commonly used tips.

From the perspective of a user, quality content:

#1. Should be original with excellent spelling, grammar, and punctuation

A user expects to receive a piece of new comprehensive information rather than something already existing somewhere. Unless you can give it your own unique spin. You shouldn’t underestimate grammar errors. A study by &nbsp found that 74% of consumers notice simple grammatical errors, and 59% said that obvious spelling and grammar errors would make them reconsider purchasing from a website.

#2. Is easy to find

SEO is still important. According to Search Engine Journal, 93% of all traffic comes from a search engine. So relevant keywords, meta description, and other basic search engine optimization should be present.

#3. Focuses on a target audience

Targeted content brings in targeted customers. Not every person wants to buy your product. Thus, there is no need to waste time on creating content that doesn’t correspond to your targeted customer needs. In other words, first, you need to define who you’re writing to and stop wasting time on the needless content.

#4. Has an attractive headline

Interesting fact that &nbsp has found out: 80% of people will read your headline, but only 20% will read the entire article. Creating attractive headlines is real science and takes time. However, it’s worth it! &nbsp is a real example of how simply changing the title of an article could cause traffic varying up or down by an incredible 500%.

#5. Meets the user expectations

The content should correspond to the headline and deliver on that promise that a title contains by giving readers actionable steps. The better the problem was solved the higher chance the user to share the content with others who may have the same issues.

#6. Includes relevant images

Relevant images make your article more memorable. Moreover, 65% of people are visual learners, according to the Social Science Research Network. Thus, they prefer visual information to text. Why lose such a huge percentage of users?

#7. Provides positive reading experience

&nbsp states that the typical online user will only read between 20% and 28% of a document. The rest they simply scan in search of useful information. Only if they find something of interest users continues to read. So content should be easily scannable.  Subheadings, lists, images and attractive formatting will be of great help.

#8. Represents your brand and its strategy

Each interaction with a customer whether it’s a blog post, social media post, phone call or meeting shapes an impression of your brand. So it’s vitally important to create content that evokes a positive reaction and at the same time increases your brand awareness.

#9. Includes an effective call to action

A call to action may provoke a reader to perform some actions: leave a comment, start following your social media profile, sign up to a newsletter or simply purchase your products.

Don’t miss a chance to receive a faithful customer.

#10. Exceeds the reader’s expectations

When users receive more than they expected there is a greater chance that they will share the info with others and make the actions described above. Moreover, they may continue reading the same content numerous times.

#11. Is properly validated

Before publishing the content, it should be tested by different specialists representing various departments. It will increase the quality of content from various sides: marketing, sales, technical, etc. Some software tools will be of great help while implementing this approach. For example, Jira or mini-CRM system.

If your content matches the tips described above then search engines will definitely love it too. Why?

Because for a search engine, quality content is:

  1. Responding to user needs
  2. Informative and readable
  3. Producing social response
  4. Credible

Final tip: Content should be updated regularly! It keeps people in tension, they may wait for your content and it simply states that your website along with a blog is alive. Otherwise, you may lose all the audience after a while.

How to write?

How to Create Quality Content for a Website Blog? - photo 3

To be sure that the blog is far from boring and indeed engaging, you need to dilute it with different types of articles. Readers like diversity!

Let’s see where I’m leading to!

  • Infographics

It’s visual – people love it. One study found that infographics were liked and shared on social media up to three times more often than other content.

  • Videos

Once again, it’s visual! Moreover, it saves the user’s time and it’s easy to just sit back and watch useful content. Well, you know it!

  • Tutorials

People like to learn something new. It shapes their brain and makes life better. If you are an expert (and you are!), you can easily help your potential customers.

  • Reviews

Not everyone knows how some specific thing works and what are the benefits or drawbacks it has. It would definitely be useful.

  • Case study

A case study explains what your product or service is and how it helped a client. It shows your experience and attracts customers.

  • Interview

Every field has its leaders. If you have a chance to get unique information from such a leader, you’ll get a traffic boost and respect from others in your field.

  • Research works

Sharing your findings with others is a powerful way to drive traffic, build trust, and establish your authority. When you do the research, which is hard work, people respect that.


Writing great content is a choice. You can choose to put in the time and work required to create great content and build a prosperous brand. Or… Well, that’s not our path, right?  

As you see, there are plenty of content options. The greater your content, the more customers you get. It is the straight way to your business success.

There’s a wealth of potential here — the kind of potential that your brand needs in order to advance to the next level. Now, you have a plan to get there.

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