Fintech security and regulatory compliance best practices and checklists

  • 56%of the mobile app back ends have serious misconfigurations or privacy issues related to SSL/TLS.
  • 62%of Fintech's main website failed the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance test.
  • 64%of Fintech’s main website failed GDPR Compliance assessment.

Fintech companies are becoming subject to regulatory requirements like any other technology-led subjects that create regulatory issues.

They are subject to the same rules as traditional institutions that provide financial services. Fintech companies should be compliant with all anti-money laundering, data protection, and know-your-customer rules according to their activities.

In the European Union, payment services are regulated by the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), and alternative finance firms engaged in the trade of transferable securities are subject to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

There are also laws and regulations not specific to financial services but which Fintechs are subject to, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Research report

The steadily rising number of smartphone users worldwide means one thing: the mobile application market is showing double-digit growth on par with it. So does the mobile app development industry.

While global trends are more or less universal, the industry’s state still varies depending on the local market. Development costs, the startup climate, and smartphone user preference in the United Kingdom, for example, may differ from Switzerland.

If you are preparing to develop or grow your mobile app startup, you’ll need a comprehensive overview and outlook of the mobile app industry on a global and local scale. To provide this information, we at S-PRO have studied several hundred-page reports and surveys to summarize them in this report.

Our mobile app research contains information about:

  • The state of the global mobile app industry, talent, and technologies
  • The overview and outlook of the app development industry in Switzerland and the UK: talent, technologies, and startup climate
  • Leading app development companies and case studies in Switzerland and the UK
  • The app industry trends to keep in mind in 2023 and beyond