AI Consulting by S-PRO

Leverage artificial intelligence effectively — solve specific challenges, explore new opportunities, and stay ahead in a competitive landscape. Partner with S-PRO to get domain-specific AI consultancy from experienced specialists.

Our AI Consulting Experts

S-PRO's AI Consulting experts will help you develop, implement, and optimize AI solutions depending on your business needs. Our expertise includes machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics. We ensure seamless AI integration for improved efficiency, innovation, and decision-making.
Dmytro Voitekh
Areas of expertise: creating and implementing AI solutions, selecting appropriate technology stack for web and mobile development, data encryption and security.
Ephraim Frei
Head of Corporate Clients
Areas of expertise: enhancing data-driven decision-making, developing and implementing AI solutions for corporate finance, leveraging machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics, and automating complex financial processes.
Nikolay Bobryk
Solution Architect
Areas of expertise: AI systems design and implementation, AI strategizing, scalable architectures development, AI technologies integration (machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision).

Our AI Consulting Services

Bridge the gap between top-notch technologies and business objectives with AI consulting services. Our artificial intelligence consulting specialists enable businesses to make informed decisions in their AI journey. We share insights into emerging trends, best practices, and innovative solutions, providing expertise, strategy, and implementation support.
AI Strategic Planning
  • Business goals and objectives that AI is expected to support
  • Current AI capabilities, infrastructure, and data assets
  • Prioritized AI use cases
  • A comprehensive strategy and roadmap
  • Appropriate AI technologies, frameworks, or platforms
  • Risk mitigation and compliance
  • Clear KPIs and performance metrics
Enterprise Intelligence and Analytics
  • Business intelligence ecosystem
  • Real-time analytics dashboards
  • Prescriptive analytics recommendations
  • Framework for continuous analytics improvement
  • Data monetization strategies
  • Adoption of augmented analytics tools and technologies
  • Automated insights delivery
Data Assessment and Audit
  • Data profiling and quality assessment
  • Integrity validation for AI integration
  • Suitability of existing data for specific AI initiatives
  • Transparent data infrastructure for AI
  • Data quality enhancement roadmap
AI Model Development and Deployment
  • Well-defined AI use cases
  • Data preparation and feature engineering
  • Machine learning model selection and architecture design
  • Iterative model training and evaluation
  • Interpretable AI decision frameworks
AI Infrastructure and Cloud Solutions
  • Assessment of existing infrastructure and scalability planning
  • Cloud platform selection and configuration
  • Data storage and processing optimization
  • Integration of high-performance computing solutions
  • Implementing robust security measures for AI infrastructure
AI Innovation Development
  • Novel AI use cases and applications
  • AI technologies, frameworks, and methodologies: machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, expert systems, voice and speech recognition, neural networks, recommendation systems and search, predictive analytics and maintenance.
  • Prototyping and Proof of Concept
  • Validation through user feedback and testing
  • AI solution iteration and improvement
  • Market-ready innovation launch

Why You Need AI Consultancy

What can AI consulting services provide to your company? The potential to enhance various business processes tailored to your challenges. Our artificial intelligence consultants will carefully study your current situation and needs to offer the most optimal solution. Let's consider the most crucial advantages in detail.
AI consultants bring expertise in assessing existing business processes. They identify areas for automation and choose appropriate AI technologies and ML models. With artificial intelligence, you will reduce manual intervention, mitigate errors, and free up employees for more complex, creative, and value-added activities. Also, it facilitates faster product or service delivery, leading to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Enhanced Decision-Making
Strengthen the strategic capabilities of your businesses with our experts. Evaluating data from diverse sources, AI systems let you identify valuable patterns, trends, and correlations that might be challenging for traditional methods. Real-time insights empower informed decision-making across various industries, from optimizing supply chain management to personalizing customer experiences.
Consulting artificial intelligence helps you make accurate predictions and forecasts by analyzing vast datasets and recognizing patterns. It is valuable for diverse domains, from financial markets and weather forecasting to sales trends and healthcare outcomes. By incorporating AI-driven predictions, companies proactively strategize, allocate resources efficiently, and mitigate potential risks.
Risk Mitigation
Artificial intelligence consultancy can swiftly identify irregularities, patterns, and anomalies indicating potential risks or fraudulent activities. With real-time monitoring of transactions, behaviors, and network activities, companies detect emerging threats and take appropriate actions in financial transactions, cybersecurity, or compliance monitoring. Thus, you safeguard your assets and sensitive information and instill stakeholder confidence.
AI consulting service helps companies leverage advanced algorithms to analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions. This way, you discern intricate patterns to deliver tailored and highly personalized experiences — from recommendation engines in e-commerce to content customization in media. AI ensures that individuals receive content, products, and services that align with their unique preferences, improving their engagement and loyalty.
Improving Collaboration
Enhance collaboration among firms, clients, and team members. Virtual assistants and chatbots provide round-the-clock assistance to internal teams and clients by swiftly delivering crucial information and resources. AI-driven collaboration tools like virtual whiteboards and project management platforms facilitate seamless teamwork and productivity. That means an effective collaboration even in remote work scenarios.
Unlock new business opportunities with our AI Consulting company
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Our AI Consulting Process

We closely collaborate with you to understand the company's goals, objectives, and challenges. The main goal is to identify specific pain points that artificial intelligence can address and opportunities for improvement.
Let's dive into your data ecosystem. Our artificial intelligence consultant will assess data availability, quality, and relevance for AI applications. We identify data sources, clean and preprocess data, and ensure it meets the standards required for effective AI model training.
Our AI consulting company selects algorithms that align with your business's objectives. Then, we develop ML models, tailoring them to address specific challenges. Iterative processes of training, testing, and refining models allow for the achievement of optimal performance.
Our artificial intelligence consulting firm seamlessly integrates AI solutions with your company's systems, ensuring minimal disruption. This involves deploying AI models, setting up monitoring mechanisms, and ensuring compatibility with other tools and processes.
During continuous monitoring and evaluation, our AI consultant will track the performance of deployed models, assessing their accuracy and effectiveness in real-world scenarios. This guarantees that AI solutions evolve with changing business dynamics and data patterns.

Tech Stack for Artificial Intelligence Consultation

  • Artificial Intelligence Languages
  • Frameworks and Tools
  • AI Consultancy Visualization
  • Databases
  • Data Warehousing
  • Cloud Platforms
Zoho Analytics
SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra)
Amazon Redshift
Google BigQuery
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud

Our Case Studies

  • Muuvr
  • Compliance Aspekte
  • TravelPlanBooker
  • All Cases
  • Launching a new business
Community building platform
Muuvr is proprietary active-data-for-crypto platform. It inspires and enables active people of every ability, nationality, age, gender, economic status, creed and colour to take ownership of their...
  • Muuvr
  • Compliance Aspekte
  • TravelPlanBooker
  • All Cases
  • New business line
AI solution for the compliance domain
Compliance Aspekte is a platform with which companies can manage their compliance with various requirements, including the GDPR, ISO 27001, IT-Grundschutz, and many others...
  • Muuvr
  • Compliance Aspekte
  • TravelPlanBooker
  • All Cases
  • MVP
  • Dedicated team
Advanced travel planning tool
TravelPlanBooker offers customers a truly integrated travel planning and booking experience, allowing them to arrange flights, trains, buses, accommodations, activities, and car rentals, all in a single transaction...

Facts about S-PRO

Team members
Projects delivered
MVPs converted into solutions
Countires / Offices worldwide
6 / 8

Why Customers Choose Us

Agile Approach
Following the Agile methodology, we break down big tasks into smaller, achievable steps, making it easier to quickly implement changes and deliver successful outcomes. Also, our consulting AI approach promotes a mindset of continuous improvement. We reflect on our work after each iteration, identifying areas for enhancement and making changes in subsequent cycles.
End-to-End Solution Provider
Our end-to-end AI consultancy method ensures that you not only have a well-crafted strategy but also witness its tangible realization. We are ready to pick you up at any software development life cycle stage, implementing ideas, evaluating data integrity, or creating ML models. In addition, we will support you even after the platform implementation through continuous monitoring and improvement.
Proven Track Record
Our artificial intelligence consulting company, comprising skilled data engineers, ML engineers, and data scientists, brings a wealth of expertise to consult and craft customized AI solutions. We've delivered tens of successful projects for startups, SMBs, and enterprises seeking to harness the full potential of AI in various domains.
Convenient Time Zone
Our artificial intelligence consulting service is available across multiple time zones to guarantee a smooth collaboration. We have headquarters in Switzerland, additional representations in the Netherlands and the USA, and research and development (R&D) centers in Poland and Ukraine. Partner with S-PRO for swift decision-making and problem-solving.
Domain-Specific Expertise
From revolutionizing financial technology to enhancing renewable energy solutions, optimizing healthcare processes, elevating hospitality services, streamlining manufacturing operations, and optimizing logistics and transportation, our portfolio spans various industries. Every consultant artificial intelligence stays abreast of market trends to address urgent business challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI consulting?

AI consultation means assisting organizations in comprehending and integrating AI solutions into their operations. Collaborating closely with businesses, artificial intelligence consulting companies pinpoint opportunities for machine learning, craft strategic roadmaps for successful implementation, and refine existing AI solutions.

What are the benefits of partnering with AI consulting companies?

AI consultancy guides companies in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, aligning technology solutions with business objectives for optimal outcomes. Businesses can identify opportunities for automation, enhance decision-making processes, improve customer service, mitigate risks, and gain a competitive edge.

What is the price of an artificial intelligence consulting service?

The price of artificial intelligence consulting services varies based on the project’s scale, the technologies involved, the number of development hours, and specific business goals. Our team is dedicated to assisting you in finding the optimal balance between cost and quality. Contact our AI consulting firm for a detailed assessment of your project’s budget and requirements.

Contact Us

We would like to know more about your request. Let's schedule a free estimation call and discuss the next steps.
Fill out the form or email us at
Or call us +41 79 535 63 77
Zurich, Switzerland
Hardturmstrasse 161, 8005
Zug, Switzerland
Dammstrasse 16, 6300
R&D Centers
Lodz, Poland
Zachodnia 70, 90-403
Lviv, Ukraine
Heroiv UPA 71, 79000
Kyiv, Ukraine
Verkhnii Val St, 24, 04071
Business Representatives
Salt Lake City, USA
Kiln SLC, 26 S Rio Grande St, UT 84101
Austin, USA
11801 Domain blvd., 3rd Fl, Austin, TX 78758
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Science Park 608, 1098 XH
Let’s discuss your project

    Zurich, Switzerland
    Hardturmstrasse 161, 8005
    Zug, Switzerland
    Dammstrasse 16, 6300
    R&D Centers
    Lodz, Poland
    Zachodnia 70, 90-403
    Lviv, Ukraine
    Heroiv UPA 71, 79000
    Kyiv, Ukraine
    Verkhnii Val St, 24, 04071
    Business Representatives
    Salt Lake City, USA
    Kiln SLC, 26 S Rio Grande St, UT 84101
    Austin, USA
    11801 Domain blvd., 3rd Fl, Austin, TX 78758
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Science Park 608, 1098 XH