Data Warehousing Consulting by S-PRO

S-PRO's data warehousing consultant knows how to implement, migrate, and optimize complex data solutions. Partner with us to leverage industry expertise and cutting-edge technologies.

Our Data Warehousing Consulting Services

Struggle to manage vast amounts of data generated across diverse sources? Our data warehousing consultant will help you analyze current infrastructure and processes, identifying opportunities for optimization.
Data Warehousing Consulting Solutions
  • Objectives, requirements, and current data infrastructure
  • Data strategy aligned with your business goals
  • Appropriate hardware, software, and database technologies
  • Data storage structures and access mechanisms
  • Creating conceptual, logical, and physical data models
  • Developing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes
  • Data quality management and performance tuning
  • Security measures and compliance with regulatory requirements
Data Warehouse Implementation
  • Project planning and scope definition
  • Designing the data warehouse schema
  • Defining dimensional modeling structures
  • Development and implementation of ETL processes
  • Configuring the database environment and infrastructure
  • Integrating the data warehouse with existing systems
  • Comprehensive testing and quality assurance
  • Deploying the data warehouse into the production environment
Data Warehouse Migration
  • Assessment of the existing data warehouse environment
  • Defining migration strategies and timelines
  • Data profiling and analysis
  • Configuring the target environment for the new warehouse platform
  • Mapping the schema and data structures
  • Migrating ETL processes and workflows
  • Data extraction and transferring
  • Rigorous testing of the migrated data warehouse
Data Warehouse Optimization
  • Comprehensive assessment of the data warehouse's performance
  • Analyzing the workload patterns and query behaviors
  • Identifying common query types, patterns, and critical processes
  • Optimizing database indexing and partitioning strategies
  • SQL query optimization
  • Implementing data compression techniques
  • Optimizing storage configurations
  • Improving ETL processes
  • Hardware and infrastructure scaling
  • Implementing data archiving and purging strategies
Data Warehouse Support and Maintenance
  • Establishing an incident management process
  • Implementing monitoring tools and alerts
  • Performance tuning activities
  • Implementing backup and recovery processes
  • Software patches and updates management
  • Conducting security measures
  • Capacity planning to forecast resource requirements
  • Data quality management processes
Data Warehouse as a Service
  • Service provisioning and onboarding
  • Data migration and integration
  • Managing the underlying infrastructure of the DWaaS platform
  • Performance optimization
  • Implementing security measures
  • Data governance and quality management
  • Implementing backup and disaster recovery solutions
  • Monitoring tools and alerts
  • User support and training

Why Hire Data Warehouse Consultant

Still wondering if your company needs data warehousing consulting services and solutions? Here are the main benefits that can fundamentally change your business operations and accelerate your success.
Combining Data from Diverse Sources
Do you want to improve decision-making and resource allocation? Let's integrate data from disparate sources like CRM systems, ERP platforms, social media, and web analytics tools into a unified and accessible platform. This consolidation will streamline management processes and give you a comprehensive view of operations, customers, and the market.
Understanding Customers on a Deeper Level
Get profound insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs by aggregating and analyzing data. With a comprehensive review of user interactions, transactions, and feedback across multiple channels, businesses create detailed profiles, personalize marketing strategies, and enhance customer service. As a result, it leads to client satisfaction and loyalty.
Maintaining Data Quality and Consistency
Are you sure that the data stored in the warehouse remains accurate, reliable, and up-to-date? Our data warehouse consultants implement robust data governance frameworks, standardized models, and meticulous data cleansing processes. This way, we enhance the credibility of analytical insights and mitigate risks associated with decision-making based on faulty data.
Eliminating Data Silos
Data silos stand in the way of organizational alignment and effectiveness. Implement data warehousing consulting services to break down barriers between departments, systems, and functions. It's time to facilitate seamless data sharing, collaboration, and knowledge exchange across the enterprise. This integration not only enhances operational efficiency and agility but also enables cross-functional synergy and innovation.
Enabling Business Automation
Automation revolutionizes business processes by simplifying data integration, analysis, and decision-making. It extends to forecasting, customer relationship management, inventory management, financial planning, compliance, and risk management. Also, automated reporting and analytics tools give stakeholders access to timely information. This way, companies increase operational efficiency, flexibility, and competitiveness.
Increasing Data Security
It's crucial to implement robust security measures and protocols to safeguard sensitive information. At S-PRO, we use encryption, access controls, data masking, and auditing mechanisms to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Mitigate the risk of data breaches, unauthorized access, and data loss.
Unlock the power of your data with expert data warehousing consulting
Get Started

Our Data Warehousing Consulting Process

Our data warehousing consultant collaborates with you to understand business objectives and current data infrastructure. We gather requirements, identify stakeholders, and define project goals and scope.
Our specialists define data sources, models, integration methods, and overall architecture. Also, we outline a roadmap for implementation and optimization.
Our data warehousing consultants design the architecture, selecting appropriate hardware, software, and database technologies. They define data storage structures, ETL processes, and data access mechanisms to ensure scalability, performance, and reliability.
In this phase, our experts execute the design plan to implement chosen data warehousing consulting solutions. We develop and deploy ETL processes, configure database systems, and build data models according to the defined architecture.
Training sessions and creating documentation are important to educate your staff on using the system effectively. Additionally, we may provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure long-term success.

Tech Stack for Data Warehousing Development

  • Cloud Services
  • Databases
  • Data Integration
  • Data Visualization
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning for Data Warehousing Consulting
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra)
Azure Data Factory
Apache Kafka
Zoho Analytics
Apache Hadoop
Apache Spark
Apache Kafka

Our Case Studies

  • Internal operations optimization
Internal platform for an investment firm
ZZ AG is an investment management firm established since 2007,based in Vitznau, Switzerland...
  • Launching a new business
Asset management platform
An investment and trading company from Wall Street that builds infrastructure for financial markets. Clients of all sizes use their clearing, custody, execution, and prime brokerage platform to operate...
United States
  • Internal operations optimization
ERP platform that helped our client to increase revenue 10x
Janado ( is the mid-size e-commrce business, headqutered in Dusseldorf, Germany, offering a large selection of high-quality refurbished electronic items...

Facts about S-PRO

Team members
Projects delivered
MVPs converted into solutions
Countires / Offices worldwide
6 / 8

Why Customers Choose Us

End-to-End Solutions
S-PRO is a full-service provider that offers end-to-end data warehousing consulting services and solutions — from initial consultation and planning to development, migration, optimization, and ongoing support. We maintain consistent quality standards at every stage of data warehousing, ensuring the delivery of a robust solution that drives business success.
Customization and Flexibility
We believe that every business has unique requirements, so it's crucial to deliver tailored solutions designed to meet specific objectives and processes. Our experts quickly adapt to evolving needs, whether it involves modifying data models, adjusting ETL processes, or incorporating new data sources.
Experience and Expertise
S-PRO boasts a seasoned team of professionals specializing in data warehouse technologies, including data modeling, ETL processes, and performance optimization. Leveraging best practices, we deliver high-quality solutions for startups, SMBs, and enterprises across fintech, renewable energy, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, and logistics.
Data Security and Compliance
At S-PRO, we prioritize the security and compliance of your data, safeguarding it against unauthorized access and data breaches. Our specialists employ robust security protocols, including encryption, access controls, and authentication mechanisms. Ensure compliance with stringent data protection laws such as GDPR, as well as industry-specific regulations like HIPAA or PCI DSS, to get peace of mind.
Agile Approach
How about iterative development cycles that enable continuous feedback and refinement throughout the project lifecycle? The Agile approach allows us to swiftly adapt to changes in project scope, technology, or business priorities and ensure that the solution remains aligned with relevant needs. Regular sprint reviews and transparent communication channels inform you of project progress.
Convenient Time Zone
With headquarters in Switzerland, additional representations in the Netherlands and the USA, and R&D centers in Poland and Ukraine, S-PRO seamlessly engages with clients worldwide. This guarantees that key project meetings, discussions, and updates are scheduled at times convenient for all parties. Similar time zones facilitate efficient communication, fostering fast decision-making and support.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my organization needs data warehousing consulting?

Your organization may need data warehousing consulting if you’re struggling to manage and analyze large volumes of data from multiple sources efficiently. Signs like inconsistent data, difficulty in generating accurate reports, or challenges in accessing real-time insights could indicate the need for expert guidance.

What can I get from data warehouse consulting?

Partnering with a data warehousing consultant can provide several benefits, including improved data integration, enhanced data quality and consistency, streamlined reporting and analytics processes, and better decision-making capabilities. We can help design and implement a customized solution tailored to your specific needs.

How much does data warehousing consulting cost?

The cost of data warehousing consulting services and solutions depends on the scope and complexity of the project, the level of required expertise, and the consultant’s billing structure. Fees may also include expenses for software licenses, hardware infrastructure, and ongoing support and maintenance. Contact S-PRO to discuss your needs and get an accurate calculation.

Contact Us

We would like to know more about your request. Let's schedule a free estimation call and discuss the next steps.
Fill out the form or email us at
Or call us +41 79 535 63 77
Zurich, Switzerland
Hardturmstrasse 161, 8005
Zug, Switzerland
Dammstrasse 16, 6300
R&D Centers
Lodz, Poland
Zachodnia 70, 90-403
Lviv, Ukraine
Heroiv UPA 71, 79000
Kyiv, Ukraine
Verkhnii Val St, 24, 04071
Business Representatives
Salt Lake City, USA
Kiln SLC, 26 S Rio Grande St, UT 84101
Austin, USA
11801 Domain blvd., 3rd Fl, Austin, TX 78758
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Science Park 608, 1098 XH
Let’s discuss your project

    Zurich, Switzerland
    Hardturmstrasse 161, 8005
    Zug, Switzerland
    Dammstrasse 16, 6300
    R&D Centers
    Lodz, Poland
    Zachodnia 70, 90-403
    Lviv, Ukraine
    Heroiv UPA 71, 79000
    Kyiv, Ukraine
    Verkhnii Val St, 24, 04071
    Business Representatives
    Salt Lake City, USA
    Kiln SLC, 26 S Rio Grande St, UT 84101
    Austin, USA
    11801 Domain blvd., 3rd Fl, Austin, TX 78758
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Science Park 608, 1098 XH