S-PRO is about people and expertise. We employ top IT professionals who create technologically complex products that develop businesses rapidly.

S-PRO is a technical and consulting partner of companies in several niches including FinTech, healthcare, and logistics. Therefore, our employees can:

  • develop their own expertise in these domains
  • be involved in the development of global organizations
  • advise clients and directly influence their businesses

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Facts about S-PRO

  • In the first five years, we doubled the number of specialists and our turnover annually. Now, we are growing at 30% per year.
  • Our top managers are constantly developing. Five out of eight S-PRO managers received diplomas from the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School after they started working for the company.
  • S-PRO management includes people who were there at the birth of the IT industry in Ukraine. 
  • We run the S-PRO Academy, which offers Node.js and React.js courses.
  • We own the Edison Space coworking center in Zaporizhzhia, where our employees act as mentors.
  • In 2020, we were listed among the top 100 outsourcing companies in the world with programs for corporate social responsibility according to the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP). Alongside us on this list are some of the largest players in the consulting world, including Deloitte, Boston Consulting Group, and Willis Towers Watson.
  • We receive about 700 requests from potential clients every year. Half come from recommendations.


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Challenging and meaningful projects

We are gradually moving away from classic outsourcing toward IT consulting. This means we don’t just create technological products but work with clients to determine what IT solutions they really need. 

Our principle is to understand a client’s pain and make a convenient and useful service to resolve it. This is what sets us apart from the competition.

We are currently developing products for more than 60 clients, including:

  • Modo — A paid UK data analytics platform for the alternative energy industry that provides B2B customers with extensive industry metrics.
  • Millennium Mat Company — An innovative company that creates and sells custom printed flooring. We created an application that sped up the time for one transaction by 76%, from four days to 24 hours.
  • Mevo — A startup that develops an app to train and motivate sales teams in a playful way. Their product is used by Red Bull, Huawei, Samsung, and other large companies.
  • Myntelligence — A British company that performs marketing analytics for BNP Paribas, UniCredit, and Mastercard.
  • Real-time risk management platform for clearing companies — A dashboard that collects and synchronizes market data with information from a company’s internal portfolio and allows companies to flexibly display key professional metrics.

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Why do top performers choose to work at S-PRO?

Long-term focus
We create an environment of transparent communication, minimal bureaucracy, and trust in the company, which leads to long-term relationships. Average term of work in the company is 24 months. At S-PRO, managers don’t hide anything from their teams. 

Involvement and personal accountability
We help you unleash your potential to succeed personally and deliver success to our clients. When our employees see that their work is useful and that they’re involved in creating something important, it motivates them to new achievements. 

Product mindset
We work with a variety of meaningful and challenging projects. Join us to influence the development of large global businesses and master the latest technologies.

Accessibility, inclusion, and equality
We create and support an inclusive environment and embrace our weirdness.

Hybrid work
Decide for yourself where you want to work: from our stylish and comfortable offices, your cozy home, or anywhere else. Everyone has a flexible schedule: you can start the workday at any time from 8 to 11 in the morning. 

Continuous learning
We create individual employee development plans for intentional professional growth. The Learning and Development department implements on-the-job training. 

Leader in the IT community

  • Partnership with Sente Accelerator in Chicago, USA
  • Received funding from a large investment company in 2020 
  • Behind about 30 local IT events per year

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Caring for employees is part of the S-PRO culture

Today, S-PRO employs over 250 people. We want to grow top managers inside the company, so by the end of the 2021, we plan to have 300 specialists, and in the next five years, we plan to reach the 500-specialist milestone.

We care about our employees’ health and relaxation

All our employees who have passed the probationary period are now registered in our health insurance program. We are currently cooperating with a Ukrainian insurance company, and we are considering options for implementing similar programs in other locations.

Alina Anzina, Head of HR Department

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“One of the tasks of the HR Department is to make sure that people regularly take vacations and don’t overwork. If someone spends more than 8 to 9 hours in the office or works extra hours at home, we will definitely find out what happened. It’s better to prevent burnout than to deal with its consequences.”

We provide regular salary reviews

There are two types of salary reviews at S-PRO:

  1. Planned annual salary reviews. Depending on employees’ results, we increase salaries by 20% to 30% annually. 
  2. Optional reviews: 5 to 12 months before a planned annual review. Mid-year raises are based on an employee’s performance. Our procedure for reviewing salaries outside the main cycle is based on job growth, employee retention, and rapid professional development.

We also have a bonus KPI system in the Sales, Marketing, and Recruitment departments. 

We organize comfortable workspaces


Our Zaporizhzhia office is located in the former premises of the rocket factory. We are now developing breakthrough IT products in the same place where rockets used to be — it’s very inspiring!


Our Kyiv office is located in Podil in the city center, just 80 meters from the metro. There are many cafes and restaurants around where you can go out for lunch or for pizza after work.

We have no special offices for managers — everyone works in the same space. Our offices have table tennis, game consoles, foosball, and balance boards. 

During quarantine, we turned both offices into coworking spaces that are open for meetings with clients and where you can come if you miss informal communication with the team. Now, everyone chooses whether they want to work: in the office or remotely.

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We develop managers within the company

S-PRO promotes internal career development, and 80% of our current executives were promoted to those positions within S-PRO.

Andrey Fisiuk, Chief Operating Officer

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“We encourage initiative. If a person wants to set new challenges and grow, we will definitely support them. The most important thing is the desire to get out of your comfort zone and demand more from yourself than you demanded yesterday.”

We have a knowledge base for team members, which is a virtual space with lots of videos of seminars, purchased lectures by external speakers, as well as documents describing work processes.

If an S-PRO employee wants to become a manager or just try to work in a different role, they can contact their manager or HR specialist and discuss ways to transition to a new position and determine what personal and professional skills they should improve.

We encourage the desire of specialists to develop by paying 50% of the cost of professional courses and conferences. And if someone successfully completes a course and receives a certificate, they may receive 100% compensation.

We use two key approaches to motivate employees

  1. Inclusiveness and equality. We have no restrictions on hiring. Each team member receives an equal degree of freedom and responsibility for the result.
  2. Transparent communication with the team. We devote a lot of time and attention to working with employees’ requests, since it’s important for us to hear everyone and give our feedback.

We’re looking for team players and don’t tolerate negligence

We hire specialists who are open to learning and ready to develop. Creating IT solutions is group work, and therefore we are looking for team players. It’s also important for us that S-PRO specialists are guided by business goals, since we develop products not for the sake of development but with a specific goal in mind — to help the client grow with a new product.

The average competition for one vacancy is six to seven applicants. The first interview with a candidate is conducted by a recruiter, who always asks what motivates and drives the candidate. 

Around 70% of candidates reach the second stage, which is an interview with the team leader. After that, we make our hiring decision.

We give all candidates feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. This is important in order to maintain good relations. Even if this time it doesn’t work out, we stay in touch with candidates in case we might be able to work together in the future. To do this, we invite candidates to seminars and other events. And when we have a vacancy that suits a potential candidate, we call them first. 

Company reviews on DOU

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